Today sees the launch of our exciting new CET Leadership Development Programme, designed to provide our staff with high quality CPD and to provide enriching experiences that will support the further development of multi-level leadership across CET.

We are very clear that CET’s motto of ‘be the best you can be’ does not only apply to our pupils and students. We want our staff to aim high too and we want to help all of our staff to thrive in their careers and to continue to succeed as part of CET.

We understand that there is no improvement for our children without improvement in teaching, and no improvement in teaching without high quality professional development for our staff.

We are well aware that we have some outstanding talent within our schools and through this ambitious programme we want to ensure our teachers and staff have the best chance to shine. These new opportunities sit firmly within our belief that CET should be a stimulating, inspiring place to work and teach. Across our primary and secondary schools, our new programme offers challenge and reward for all those who want to progress their career / leadership journey.

Whilst we are currently developing leadership pathways for all staff, phase one of our new Leadership Development programme is initially focused on teaching staff, aimed at developing skills and talents centred around fostering effective leadership within the classroom, across curriculum areas, key stages and phases, whilst focusing on driving improvement towards key strategic priorities. We have designed four new high-quality leadership development courses, each forming a pre-requisite towards creating pathways onto the newly reformed and DfE accredited National Professional Qualifications.

These include;

  • CET Pre-requisite Course for NPQ – Leading Teaching
  • CET Pre-requisite Course for NPQ – Leading Teacher Development
  • CET Pre-requisite Course for NPQ – Leading Behaviour and Culture
  • CET Pre-requisite Course for NPQ – Senior Leadership

The newly reformed NPQ courses are designed to provide high quality ‘hands-on’ and continuous professional development leading to improvements in teaching and subsequently improvement for our students and pupils. Combining evidence, research and opportunities to collaborate and practice a variety of skills over a realistic time period.

Our CET Leadership Development programme will emulate the format of each NPQ on a smaller scale, giving participants meaningful professional development at a local level. Successful completion of one of our CPD courses will also give participants a strong foundation to be able to apply to enrol on an accredited NPQ course, as the new programmes are rolled out in the future.

Each of our CET Pre-requisite NPQ courses listed above will commence in September 2021 and will run throughout the next academic year, with each course providing;

  • High-quality CPD through a series of bespoke core tutorial sessions, led by a range of talented and established leaders from within CET, as well as the opportunity to hear from external guest speakers.
  • The chance to network and collaborate with other like-minded professionals in schools across the trust.
  • The opportunity to undertake an impact project linked to a whole school strategic priority area, linked to the content of each course.
  • The ability to be guided and supported throughout the completion of the course through an experienced in-school mentor.

For further information about each of our new CET Leadership courses, the Early Career Framework (ECF) and also about the strategic direction of our whole Leadership Development programme please visit our new CET Leadership Development website;