Young people aged 5-18 are set to lead the way on ambitious collaborative projects across the trust.

The first CET Student Leadership meeting of the year heard about inspiring work done across all our primary and secondary schools. This ranged from activities linked to kindness and anti-bullying, to supporting younger children at playtimes and lunchtimes, fundraising for schools and local charities, protecting the environment, having a positive impact on children’s own learning and promoting school communities.

Now the students and pupils have been asked to share ideas for joint projects they can work on in the new year, taking in CET’s core values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience and focusing on four key areas:

  • Helping Others
  • Helping Each Other
  • Helping the Environment
  • Helping Learning

Representatives have been asked to discuss ideas with their school student councils/student leadership groups and to report back at the next CET Student Leadership meeting in January.

Nic Tweddle, CET Assistant Headteacher, who chaired the virtual meeting, said: “It was very positive and all of the young representatives were fantastic ambassadors for their schools and for CET.

“Their engagement and the respect shown for each other were exemplary. It is also very clear to see the important roles and positive impact that they are all having within their own individual schools on so many different aspects. We eagerly look forward to seeing what they can achieve by working together in the new year and beyond.”

Chris Wilkins, Director of Primary Education, added: “We are a family of schools. All staff work together to help and support each other within our schools and now is the opportunity for pupils and students to work together and that’s really exciting.”