Students received their 2022 GCSE results today and WHS Headteacher Chris McAree said:

“Our Year 11 students richly deserve recognition for the excellent results they are picking up at the end of their five years of secondary school. As a cohort they have faced more disruption and greater challenges than any previous year group and we congratulate them on the positive manner in which they have coped with these extraordinary times. They have faced the challenges before them with smiles, good humour and steely determination that they were going to achieve their goals.

The vast majority of students will be very pleased with their results and they will have the keys to go onto to their anticipated destinations this Autumn.

Whether it is the straight Grade 9 or 7+ students or those achieving their own targets we wish them the very best in the next stage of their educational journeys. For many that will be Sixth Form study here at William Howard or at a local College. An increasing number will start one of the fantastic local apprenticeships that are available. All the students should feel proud of what they have accomplished and take that next step with confidence.

We wish them all the very best for the future; as a school we are extremely proud of them all.”