The first cohort of CET NPQ participants are celebrating a 100% pass rate in their studies.
All teaching staff who joined our first round of NPQs in February last year successfully completed the assessment.
The news comes as applications are opened for the next round of NPQs (National Professional Qualifications) starting in October 2023.
The successful group included participants from both external schools and CET’s own primaries and secondaries. Passes were achieved across three specialist, 12-month courses – the NPQs in Leading Behaviour and Culture, Leading Teaching, and Leading Teacher Development.
All three courses – plus NPQs in Leading Literacy, Early Years Leadership, Senior Leadership and Headship – are again on offer to teaching staff and school leaders from across Cumbria.
A celebration evening for participants, and including our Visiting Fellows and the Leadership Development Team, is being planned for June.
Nic Tweddle, CET Assistant Headteacher and Leadership Development Lead, said: “A huge congratulations to all those who put themselves forward and have worked for this tremendous result.
“We couldn’t be happier that they have successfully navigated the next step in their careers. This will benefit not only the individuals concerned, but their schools and, of course, the young people they teach.
“We hope even more teachers and school leaders across Cumbria will be inspired by their success to put themselves forward for the next round of NPQs.”
Details for the autumn 2023 courses, which remain fully funded by the Department for Education and will again be delivered in partnership with Ambition Institute, can be found in the Leadership Development section of this website.