Several Cumbria Education Trust (CET) schools have been awarded a National Attendance Award by FFT for good attendance in the Autumn Term.

FFT collects daily attendance data from over 10,000 schools. This data helps schools track, monitor and compare their attendance every week. The awards have been given to schools with attendance in the top 10% and top 25% of all FFT schools nationally for the 2023/24 Autumn Term. It also awards the top 10% and top 25% attendance certificates to schools in similar circumstances (based on the percentage of Free School Meals).

Congratulations to the following schools for their incredible attendance:

Castle Carrock Primary School

Top 10% of all primary schools

Top 10% of similar primary schools

Caldew Lea Primary School

Top 10% of similar primary schools

Tebay Primary School

Top 10% of all primary schools

Top 10% of similar primary schools

The Whitehaven Academy

Top 25% of similar secondary schools

Workington Academy

 Top 25% of all secondary schools

Top 10% of similar secondary schools

FFT said, “The awards are an acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication of staff, pupils, parents and carers in achieving excellent attendance during the Autumn Term. Whilst all schools do an incredible job to improve pupil attendance, we’d like to say a special thank you to your school by presenting you with an FFT National School Attendance Award for the 2023/24 Autumn Term.”

Recently, the local authority approached CET to run an attendance project to aid other schools in improving their attendance. Around 70 schools across Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness participate in this project, which includes CET sharing their policies and practices in increasing attendance across primary and secondary schools.

Des Bird, CET Director of Secondary Improvement, and Sue Newstead, CET Director of Learning Provision, who run the project, added their sincere thanks to all the staff in the schools who have worked incredibly hard to ensure that they successfully support parents to achieve regular attendance and, therefore, better outcomes for individuals.

Sue commented, “CET invested in the DfE Attendance pilot, which has supported young people with their attendance. There is real strength in collaboration and parent partnership. Thank you to all involved.”

Nic Tweddle, Assistant Headteacher at Workington Academy and CET Leadership Development and Student Culture Lead said, “We are very proud of our schools for receiving these awards and they are a testimony to the hard work and relentless drive in all of our schools that go towards improving attendance and ensuring that as many children as possible are attending school every day.”

Well done to all of the schools involved.