The Central team delivers professional and efficient support services across the Trust for the main business functions. Working across all the business functions the Human Resources Department sits within this team ensuring that the people infrastructure is in place to support each school, employee and ultimately our children to be the best they can be.

Whilst you may be familiar with a number of our team we want to take this opportunity to introduce you formally to the HR function.

Human Resources Department

The HR department is a relatively new addition to the Trust in house team. Kerry Rogerson heads up the function as HR Manager across the Trust and is supported by Mandy Sessford, HR Officer and Vicki Lindsley as HR and Payroll Assistant. (PHOTO TO BE INCLUDED)

In its simplest terms the HR department is responsible for managing the employee life cycle, from recruiting, training, developing, supporting the management of and the exit of all employees. This is broken down into three main areas:

EMPLOYER OF PEOPLE the HR team looks after recruitment, contracts, terms and conditions, pay and benefits, attraction and retention – in essence making sure we have the right people, in the right place, with the right skills, receiving the right pay at the right time!

DEVELOPER OF PEOPLE the HR team is responsible for the development of career pathways, providing learning and development opportunities and leadership development across the Trust.

VALUER OF PEOPLE the HR team is responsible for ensuring mechanisms are in place for employee engagement, recognition and wellbeing.

As a central team we are located out of the offices at William Howard school but you will see us out and about in your school, and we work very closely with your school administrator and the secondary PAs.

Across trust working at the workshop

Changes to Sickness Self-Certification

As part of temporary Government measures to assist GP’s to focus on the COVID-19 Booster programme all employees can now self-certify sickness absences for the first 28 days.

This change applies to any absence which began on or after the 10 December 2021 up to and including absences starting before (or on) 26 January 2022. Fit notes will still be required if the sickness absence lasts longer than 28 days.

Policy Updates

The following employment related policies have been updated and uploaded to the CET website:

Disciplinary Policy
Updated to reflect Local Authority policy. Detailed guidance included.
Code of Conduct
Updated to reflect changes to KCSIE 21. Introduction of Low Level Concerns
Allegations of Abuse Policy
Updated to reflect changes to KCSIE 21. Introduction of Low Level Concerns
Grievance Policy
Updated to include process flow chart
Bullying and Harassment Policy
Updated to include process flow chart
Pay Policy
Updated to reflect changes to STPCD 21


Please make sure that you are familiar with the changes regarding low level concerns detailed within the Code of Conduct and Allegations of Abuse.

Money Matters – Pension Scheme Reminder

lease remember if you are a member of the pension scheme that you need to register to access your account details including annual statements and your service/membership records.

Both Teachers Pensions & Local Government Pension Scheme offer all of their members 24 hour access to their pension account and operate dedicated Employee Helplines, during normal office hours. They also have a wealth of useful information available on their websites:

You can set up a TP account be accessing the following link: Here
Teacher Pension website can be accessed via: Here

You can set up a LGPS account be accessing the following link: Here
Local Government Pension website can be accessed via: Here

Joiners, Movers & Leavers


Contact Us

For any employment related queries we can be contacted via:

HR Helpline: 016977 45734
HR Email: