INSET Day 2023

Yesterday, we hosted our 2023/2024 INSET day at William Howard School, where we took the opportunity to bring together over 600 members of staff from all 13 Trust schools. Following an engaging welcome speech from Lorrayne Hughes, Chief Executive, our staff split up into groups to participate in conferences, proactive workshops and business-specific training. There…


A Level Results Day 2023

We are really proud of our Sixth Form students, who have worked extremely hard to achieve fantastic A Level results. Our West Coast Sixth Form (which is a collaboration between The Whitehaven Academy and Workington Academy) and William Howard School have welcomed students into school today to collect and celebrate their results. The Headteacher of…


Be the Best You Can Be Week 2023

Each year, we celebrate Be The Best You Can Be Week, as part of Cumbria Education Trust’s endeavour to create a stimulating environment in which our students can thrive. The purpose of this week is to give students and pupils in all schools across CET the opportunity to push, challenge and express themselves in as…
