- A rich, balanced and inclusive, taught and wider curriculum offer, which is accessible for all students
- An assessment structure that ensures accurate and timely diagnostic assessment used to support and progress learning for all
- Quality first lessons and focused intervention
- Positive recruitment & retention of staff who are valued, effective and continually developing
- An effective School Improvement Strategy that ensures all schools are improving
- Financial control and innovation
- Effective central support services that consistently deliver and contribute positively to meet strategic priorities
- Strong and effective governance
- Strong links with other organisations that enable further developments, opportunities, and success
- A clearly defined and proactive Growth Strategy
- The use of research to inform practice
- Deep collaboration happening across the Trust.
We will:
- Implement an effective School Improvement Strategy that improves outcomes for all
- Introduce an Initial Teacher Training programme and continue delivering NPQs
- Deliver excellence and high quality support across the Trust
- Ensure financial sustainability
- Further develop CET as a great employer
- Prepare for strategic growth
- Ensure governance is effective and improving.