Once again, we are thrilled to announce that several CET schools have been recognised by FFT for their outstanding attendance achievements. This recognition highlights the commitment of our students, families, and staff with engagement and dedication demonstrated within our schools. It is a testament to the collaborative efforts across our Trust to ensure that every child attends, achieves, and thrives.

Primary Schools

Castle Carrock Primary School

Top 10% of all primary schools

Top 10% of similar primary schools

Caldew Lea Primary School

Top 25% of similar primary schools

Newtown Primary School

Top 25% of similar primary schools

Tebay Primary School

Top 25% of all primary schools

Secondary Schools

Kirkby Stephen Grammar School

Top 10% of all secondary schools

Top 25% of similar secondary schools

Workington Academy

Top 25% of all secondary schools

Top 10% of similar secondary schools

Who is FFT?

FFT collects daily attendance data from over 10,000 schools. This data helps schools track, monitor and compare their attendance every week. The awards have been given to schools with attendance in the top 10% and top 25% of all FFT schools nationally for the 2023/24 Autumn Term. It also awards the top 10% and top 25% attendance certificates to schools in similar circumstances (based on the percentage of Free School Meals).

Fantastic effort everyone, well done!