CET Big Christmas Quiz
The CET Big Christmas Quiz is taking place on Wednesday 16 December 2020
The CET Big Christmas Quiz is taking place on Wednesday 16 December 2020
To celebrate Christmas 2020 and also to look forward to 2021, create or design a Christmas bauble.
Workington Academy has purchased its own Defibrillator after a great fundraising effort from our Key Stage 3 students and the pupils of both Ashfield Infant and Junior Schools.
We write to express our growing concern about the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on young people in our schools, particularly those preparing for public examinations in 2021.
Two of our schools have reacted to pandemic restrictions by launching a new virtual initiative for students.
We all know that 2020 has been a year of challenge – but we’re delighted with how our young people at Hensingham Primary School have responded.
Tebay Primary School are supporting Upper Eden Food Bank by holding ‘Tebay Tin Tuesday’.
As part of CET’s mark to this year’s Remembrance Day, we invited students and pupils across all CET schools to create a window display/design to represent hope and a show of support to honour those who sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom.
As part of CET’s mark to this year’s Remembrance Day, we invited students and pupils across all CET schools to create a window display/design to represent hope and a show of support to honour those who sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom.
Tebay Primary School pupil Jacob has been raising money by selling cakes for a donation outside his home in Tebay.